Habitica Todoist

  • I use Habitica for longterm goals and Todoist for daily tasks like shopping lists, but if I don't add them by hand to Habitica, I don't get any reward for them. Is there a way to sync Todoist with Habitica? For example with Zapier? I have no experience with Zapier, so I can't even tell how it works. Best, Equiferus.
  • Unfortunately I couldn’t find any way of hooking up the Google Assistant directly to Habitica. So I figured I would need to add some sort of intermediary step between Google Assistant and Habitica. IFTTT and todoist and Maker. I’ve used IFTTT for automating a few random things in.

Habitica is essentially an RPG with habit tracking features built in. As you complete your habits, you also build up the stats for a character in the game. This character can join parties, go on quests, and get new gear (just as you’d expect in an RPG). Now, admittedly, Habitica isn’t for everyone. Templates Kickstart your next project with Todoist templates for every occasion. Getting Started Guide Everything you need to know to get your Todoist up and running in minutes. Productivity Methods + Quiz Learn the most popular productivity methods and discover which one fits you best. Todoist continues to be one of the most popular to-do list apps in the world. And for good reason. Todoist is a great task manager that helps millions of peo.


Habitica Todos

If you’re like most people, you have goals and ambitions –some big, some small. Also, like most people, you could likely use a littlehelp with keeping up your momentum, avoiding procrastination, and making thebest decisions to nudge you ever closer to reaching those goals.

In today’s technological age, you likely have a powerfultool to help you turbo-charge your productivity, and it’s right in the palm ofyour hands – your smartphone.

Here are five of the best smartphone apps to help boost self-discipline and move you closer to your goals.

1- Stay Focused With Forest

If you find yourself distracted by your phone when working,one solution is to turn your phone off or leave it in a different room untilyou finish. But that’s not always possible.


In this case, you should consider the Forest app.

Forest works by allowing you to plant a virtual tree. You startby setting a time limit, “planting” the tree at the beginning of the time slot.Time begins counting down, and you must avoid using your phone the entire time,thus allowing your plant to flourish.

If you close the app, the plant dies. And you don’t wantthat!

So, if you can’t turn your phone off completely or leave itin another room, the Forest app will keep your eyes off your phone and on yourwork.

If the increased focus isn’t enough to motivate you to trythis app, you’ll be happy to know that Forest financially contributes to Treesfor the Future, an organization that plants trees worldwide. You can improveyour focus while helping the Earth.

I use the Forest app myself to boost productivity and helpme stay focused. It has helped me tremendously.

2- Make Your Good Habits Stick With Chains

The basic idea behind the Chains app is one you accrue severaldays of either starting a good habit or ending a bad one; you don’t want to “breakthe chain.”

Chains is a free app that provides avisual representation of your habit streak. You can choose from a wide varietyof skins to suit your taste, and even join social groups within the app to giveand receive motivation from other users.

3- Make Goal Setting & Tracking Fun WithHabitica

A great way to make goal tracking and setting fun is to makeit a game. If you enjoy playing games, you’ll love Habitica.

Habitica is like a role-playing game, where you get gear,goods, and the chance to level-up as you complete more and more tasks.

Habitica vs todoist

Habitica works just as well for adding positive habitsas it does for eliminating negative ones.


If you gain motivation and inspiration by working withother people, you might enjoy the challenges and quests feature of this app.Groups of people work toward achieving the same goal. You may also find moreaccountability by using this feature, as you don’t want to let your teammatesdown!

4- UseTodoist To Create Your To-Do List

The to-do list is probably the most basic self-discipline methodthat anyone who wants to stay on top of their goals should use daily. But what’sthe best way to create one? Using a pen and paper, the calendar on your laptopor phone, or keeping a daily planner or organizer are all valid options. But ifyou’re serious about organization and productivity, you should give Todoist atry.

The Todoist app is easy-to-use, and you can create anaccount by logging in you’re your existing Facebook or Google account – which isa huge plus for simplicity.

Habitica Todo Extension

The app has useful features in addition to setting up yourtasks, such as setting deadlines, assigning priorities, grouping and filtering functions,and even location-based notifications, where you’ll receive different remindersbased on your geographical location.

5- Find Daily Productivity Patterns With Daylio

Your emotions, moods, and mental health impact productivityin various ways. Naturally, when you’re feeling your best, you’ll have an easiertime getting things done. On the other hand, when you’re not doing so well, it’sa lot harder to maintain momentum.

The Daylio app has a beautiful, smooth, soothing design andallows you to quickly and efficiently track your daily moods along with yourproductivity. Over time, patterns will emerge.

For example, you may notice a pattern or correlationbetween feeling more upbeat on days you spent time outside or less happy andproductive after you socialized for too many hours the day before.

Habitica Todoist

While perhaps not directly related to self-discipline,getting to know yourself better and having accurate data on what drives yourmoods can help you create a schedule that includes more of what keeps youmotivated – and less of what doesn’t.

Final Thoughts

Habitica To Do List

While it’s true that your smartphone can become a hindranceto your productivity and thwart progress to your goals if you’re not careful.Spending countless hours scrolling through social media feeds, impulsivelychecking e-mail at all hours of the day or night, or getting lost in addicting –yet distracting – games are means through which your smartphone can obstructyour growth. By using your smartphone the smart way and downloading one or moreproductivity apps, you can use it for good, and turbocharge yourself-discipline and goal setting power.