Pesticide Label Database

  1. Pmra Pesticide Label Database
  2. Pesticide Label Search Database
  3. Fifra Pesticide Label Database
  4. Epa Pesticide Label Database

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Best strategies for mac. California's pesticide use reporting program is recognized as the most comprehensive in the world. In 1990, California became the first state to require full reporting of agricultural pesticide use in response to demands for more realistic and comprehensive pesticide use data. Under the program, all agricultural pesticide use must be reported monthly to county agricultural commissioners, who in turn, report the data to DPR.

California has a broad legal definition of 'agricultural use' so the reporting requirements include pesticide applications to parks, golf courses, cemeteries, rangeland, pastures, and along roadside and railroad rights-of-way. In addition, all postharvest pesticide treatments of agricultural commodities must be reported along with all pesticide treatments in poultry and fish production as well as some livestock applications. The primary exceptions to the reporting requirements are home-and-garden use and most industrial and institutional uses.

The Pesticide Use Report data can be accessed in three different ways:

It is the responsibility of persons intending to use a pesticide to read and follow the label that has been approved for the particular state or locality in which the pesticide is to be used, and to comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations relating to the use of pesticides. The current version of the Pesticide Product Label System (PPLS) allows you to search by: Product or Active Alternative Brand Name. Chemical Name (Active Ingredients).

NOTE: DPR is currently reviewing CalPIP and the Pesticide Use Annual Summary Report to improve their utility and accessibility. Before accessing CalPIP or the Annual Reports, you may be directed to a short survey requesting your feedback. We greatly appreciate your input. After completing the questions, you will be taken to the page you requested.

  1. California Pesticide Information Portal (CalPIP)
    • California Pesticide Information Portal – Generate customized information from DPR's Pesticide Use Report Database
      CalPIP is the most up-to-date source of Pesticide Use Reports data. It includes updates submitted after the Pesticide Use Annual Summary Reports.
  2. Pesticide Use Annual Summary Reports

    DPR staff prepare annual data summaries, indexed by chemical or by commodity. The summaries include analyses of pesticide use trends and are available from 1989 to present. (Note: In 1989, full use reporting requirements were not in effect.)

    Previous years reports are available, in PDF, to the public upon request. 1password bitwarden import. If you would like to request any of those reports, please email with your request.

    Select a report from the following list:

  3. Pesticide Use Report Data

    Download Pesticide Use Annual Summary Report data, by year, from DPR's FTP site. Note that this data does not include any updates that may have occurred after the release of the Annual Summary Report. Zip files of data from 1970 through most recent available. Pesticide Use Reports data from 1970-1973 are PDFs of the original microfiche and have not been error-checked or made into tables.

    • Download zip files of full years of pesticide use data
      • Guide, PDF (177 kb) to using PUR files, 2002 and later
      • Note: CDs of data from 1989 to date are also available. E-mail your request to Please specify the year or years you want and include a mailing address. There is no charge.
      • These updates include a number of additions and corrections to the data since they were first posted. These updates resulted in a 0.4 percent increase in the total number of records and a 0.05 percent decrease in the total pounds of AI in 2011, and a 0.7 percent increase in the number of records and a 0.4 percent increase in pounds of AI in 2012. The most important corrections were in the data fields site_loc_id, license_no, and grower_id. When the 2011 and 2012 data for these 3 fields were originally transmitted to DPR they were incorrectly left padded with zeros. These data have been changed.
        These updates include a number of additions and corrections to the data since they were first posted. These updates resulted in a 0.4 percent increase in the total number of records and a 0.05 percent decrease in the total pounds of AI in 2011, and a 0.7 percent increase in the number of records and a 0.4 percent increase in pounds of AI in 2012. The most important corrections were in the data fields site_loc_id, license_no, and grower_id. When the 2011 and 2012 data for these 3 fields were originally transmitted to DPR they were incorrectly left padded with zeros. These data have been changed.

Laws and Regulations

  • Laws governing pesticide use reporting (Scroll to Food and Agricultural Code section 14011.5)
  • Pesticide use reporting regulations (3 CCR sections 6624 – 6628)

Related Links

  • PUR Web GIS Query Tool - UC Davis Agricultural Geographic Information System (AGIS) Laboratory
  • Forms for pesticide use reporting
  • Pesticide Use Reporting: An Overview of California's Unique Full Reporting System (May 2000) (PDF, 171 kb)
  • Report on pesticide use report data quality (2001)
    • Part I, PDF (80 kb)
    • Appendix A, PDF (107 kb) – Preliminary and Expanded List of PUR Problems and Issues
    • Appendix B, PDF (32 kb) – Pesticide User Report Improvement Plan
    • Appendix C, PDF (2.99 mb) – An Assessment of Spatial Data Quality
    • Appendix D, PDF (564 kb) – Pesticide Use Report Loading and Error-Handling
  • Report on new procedures for identifying outliers in pesticide use rates, PDF (1.3 mb) (September 2016)

Pmra Pesticide Label Database

Please send your questions and comments to

Back to Product/Label Database Queries & Lists

IMPORTANT: The product/label database is refreshed nightly, Monday through Friday.

Newly registered (licensed) products are included in the database even though the labels have not yet been 'indexed'. Only the product name, registration date, and company information will be available until the product label is indexed.


Pesticide Label Search Database

These searches of the product/label database are designed to extract products that meet a number of different or singular criteria. The different criteria are as follows:

Any of the criteria below may be used together to form a complex query. Be judicious as the selection of too many criteria, for example ten sites, will slow the program down considerably.

  • Chemical Ingredient(s) - Follow the chemical code (lookup) to find the code or codes you are interested in. Your may search the lookup by DPR's chemical code, a name or portion of a name, or by the CAS number or a portion or a CAS number. Other links to pesticide chemical databases are found at the bottom of the lookup screen. With this query you may select one or up to three different chemicals and use 'and/or' logic to narrow your search. Any product containing those ingredients in relation to the percentages and logic selected will be found.
  • Product Name(s) - you may search the database by all or part of a product name or search for several at once if you separate them with a comma.
  • Firm Number(s) / Name(s) - Search the product database by a firm number or a name or in combination if separated by a comma. (i.e. 239, dowelanco)
  • Registration Number(s) - Enter all or part of a number(s). If more than one, separate with a comma. (i.e. 239-50 or 239-50043-AA)
  • Site Code(s) - Follow the site code (lookup) to find the code or codes your are interested in. For example, if you are interested in what is registered for use on figs, follow the link, enter fig, and select the code you want to enter in the query. Several sites may be searched together. Once again, separate multiple selections with commas.
  • Formulation Type(s), Pesticide Type(s), Signal Word(s) - These selections are self explanatory but must be used in conjunction with one or more of the above variables. Multiple selections may be made in each box by pressing the 'control'(Ctrl) key when you click with your mouse on the selections.
  • Retrieve Active Products Only - You will get only actively registered products by checking the box next to this criteria. If this box is not checked, all products meeting the prescribed criteria will be found.
  • Have all products selected for detail report - check this box if you want all products reported on in more detail. See the paragraph below.

Fifra Pesticide Label Database


The initial query yields a list of products with check boxes next to them. The user may have pre-selected to check all the boxes, but in any case must check at least one in order to get more specific information on any or all of the products. The list also details the registration status of the products on the list.


The reports themselves are self explanatory. The data table format is a little different in that it provides a flat ascii text file that can be saved by the user for later use in a spreadsheet or database structure. It is recommended that the data table format not be used if a significant number of products are selected.

Epa Pesticide Label Database


This document will be updated as new queries and databases are added to the external Web site.