Periscope Twitter

Periscope was an American live video streaming app for Android and iOS developed by Kayvon Beykpour and Joe Bernstein and acquired by Twitter before launch in 2015. The latest tweets from @mahoyakuinfo. The latest tweets from @INEMexico.


  • Using Twitter
    • Tweets
  • Managing your account
    • Login and password
  • Safety and security
    • Security and hacked accounts
  • Rules and policies
    • Twitter Rules and policies

Important: Update as of Dec 15, 2020: Periscope and the Super Broadcaster program are shutting down on March 31, 2021. Learn more here. Broadcasters who meet the requirements here, can apply to be a Super Broadcaster until February 1, 2021.

You can change your profile photo by going to your profile page and tapping Edit on iOS or the Edit icon on Android in the top right. You'll be taken to the profile edit screen where you'll be prompted to update your photo by picking one from your camera roll/gallery or taking one with your camera.

To edit your profile photo on web

  1. Click on your profile photo thumbnail
  2. Select View Profile.
  3. Click Edit Profile.
  4. Click on the camera icon on your thumbnail.
  5. Select a photo.
  6. Click the Save Profile button when you're finished.

How do I change my Periscope display name?

Your display name is the name located directly under the photo on the profile page. Unlike your username, your display name may not be unique to only your account.

You can change your display name in app by logging into your Periscope account and following the steps outlined here:

  1. Select your profile icon.

  2. Select Edit.

  3. Select the first field to edit your display name.

  4. Select Done when you’re finished.

To edit your display name on the web

  1. Click on your profile photo thumbnail

  2. Select View Profile.

  3. Click Edit Profile.

  4. Type your new display name.

  5. Click Save Profile when you're finished.

How do I edit my profile?

To edit your Periscope bio on iOS and Android

  1. Click the Profile icon in the top right corner on the People tab.
  2. Tap the edit icon on the top right.
  3. Make the changes you’d like to see to your bio.
  4. Tap Done when you’re finished.

To edit your Periscope bio on web

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Click your profile photo in the upper right corner of the page and select Profile.
  3. Select Edit Profile below your bio.
  4. Make the changes you’d like to see to your bio.
  5. Click Save Profile when you're finished.

How do I change my username?

You can change your username in app by logging into your Periscope account and following the steps below:

  1. Select your profile icon.

  2. Select Edit.

  3. Select the second entry (entitled @) to edit your current username. Our usernames are unique to each account, so you will only be able to claim a username that is not currently taken by someone else.

  4. Select Done when you’re finished.

Please note that you will only be able to change your username twice in a 30 day period.


If you created your Periscope username using a verified Twitter account, you won’t be able to change your username in app. Instead, please contact us for assistance.

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The world has gone nuts about live streaming. Just to illustrate how crazy this is, as much as 80% of consumers prefer watching live videos, rather than reading web articles. And by the year 2021, the live streaming industry is estimated to be worth at least $70 billion. Check out other amazing live streaming numbers on our blog!

Considering such projected growth, no major social platform could stand aside. Today, you can basically stream everywhere — on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc. And, honestly, the choice of platform depends mostly on the type of content you are producing. For example, most gamers prefer streaming on Twitch, whereas business-related content is in high demand on LinkedIn. But what do people stream on Twitter?

Since this article is about live streaming on Twitter, we will answer the most commonly asked questions and walk you through the ways of and reasons for using this platform. Stay with us and learn all the advantages and disadvantages of Periscope Live. Moreover, we will describe some additional options to help you grow your audience ten times quicker. So without further ado, let’s dive in!

What is Periscope?

Periscope is a live streaming mobile software owned by Twitter. It allows you to go live from any place and whenever you want via your mobile device. In other words, you can transform your mobile phone into a small on-the-go live streaming station. How cool is that?

What started as a small but promising app back in 2015, Periscope quickly gained popularity and turned into the top mobile streaming platform. Just to give you a better understanding, Periscope has around two million active daily users and more than 350,000 hours of streamed video per day!

Periscope Live features 🤩

Apart from the basic live streaming feature, Periscope has lots of other cool perks, which have allowed the platform to gain so many users. Let’s quickly go over the most notable ones.

  1. Interacting options. When watching your live stream, viewers can send hearts and easily interact with you via chat and comment sections. Live communication during the stream is one of the crucial components of live streaming, and Periscope did a great job in this department.
  2. Map view. Viewers can search for videos live streamed from certain locations with the help of an interactive map. This feature is especially useful for exploring all sorts of live events based on their location.
  3. Stream saving option. After the live stream is over, you can save it on your mobile device to then post it online as a usual video.
  4. Twitter integration. Since Periscope is owned by Twitter, it is no surprise that the app is fully integrated into this social platform, making it super easy for you to connect with your followers and notify them when you go live.
  5. 24-hour stream lifecycle.Similarly to Instagram Live videos, your streams in Periscope live 24 hours. After this period, they simply sink into oblivion. However, you can manually download your stream and upload it later.

Periscope Live disadvantages 👀

Now let’s talk about some of the crucial cons of Periscope Live that may make some users a bit repulsed by the platform. Like every single streaming service, Periscope Live also has some downsides.

Privacy issues. Although there are some options available, like making your live stream private, it is quite easy for anyone to pinpoint the time and location of your streams if you don’t turn this feature on.

Technical difficulties.Glitchy broadcasts are the number-one technical issue on Periscope. However, it’s not really the platform’s fault. Due to the unstable Internet connection on mobile phones, it is natural for live streams to lag.

No built-in monetization tools.Unfortunately, Periscope Live doesn’t have any built-in monetization options, like other platforms do. Subscription viewing and pay-per-view aren’t available on this platform. But no worries — we will talk about how you can monetize your live streams on Periscope Live later on in this article.

Video and audio quality.Another factor to be concerned about is your live stream’s video and audio quality. Since you operate with your mobile phone, neither video nor audio can really be studio-like. Sure, you can invest in a mobile phone with a better camera or even buy an external mic, for that matter. However, isn’t this a fair price to pay for a mobile live streaming station?

What is Periscope used for?

When it comes to use cases for Periscope, it is worth mentioning that both businesses and individuals can benefit from live streaming to this platform. You can take advantage of Periscope’s mobile nature to share some unique and unplanned content with the world. And thanks to the available communication tools in Periscope, you can easily and effectively interact with your audience in real time.

Periscope is also an amazing tool to report your live news and build relationships with your audience in a more straightforward fashion. Live videos evoke more trust and interest in viewers than pre-recorded content. Great content ideas include live Q&As, interviews, AMAs, etc. You can showcase your new product or take your audience backstage and share some insights.

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👉 Here is your promo code link.

How to go live with Periscope

Currently, you can broadcast on Periscope via an Apple device (iOS 11+) or an Android device (Android OS 5.0+), and you can watch live streams directly from your browser. There are some other cool options at your disposal, which we will describe later on.

Periscope Live for iOS users

First things first, you need to download the app on your phone. After the installation is completed, open the app. You will be asked to create a new Periscope account or log in using an existing account on other platforms, like Twitter, Google, Facebook, or Apple. You can also log in using your phone number.

  1. Open the broadcast preview by tapping the broadcast icon in the bottom of your screen.
  2. Enter the title of your live stream so your viewers can understand what’s it going to be about.
  3. Select who you want to share your stream with.
  4. You can then manage the location, chat, and sharing preferences. Tapping the compass icon will turn on the location sharing feature. Also, you can turn on the limited chat feature by tapping the chat bubble icon. This option limits comments to users who you follow on Twitter or Periscope.
  5. The microphone icon allows you to create an audio-only live stream.
  6. When you are all set, tap the Go LIVE button.
  7. To end the stream, simply swipe down and tap the Stop Broadcast button.

Periscope Live for Android users

Similarly to iOS devices, you would need to download Periscope and open it after the installation is done. Create a new account or log in via an existing one on other platforms. Then, follow these simple steps:

  1. Tap the camera icon located in the bottom of the screen to open your broadcast preview.
  2. Enter the title of your live stream so your viewers can understand what’s it going to be about.
  3. Select who you want to share your stream with.
  4. You can then manage the location, chat, and sharing preferences. Tapping the compass icon will turn on the location sharing feature. Also, you can turn on the limited chat feature by tapping the chat bubble icon. This option limits comments to users who you follow on Twitter or Periscope.
  5. Unfortunately, the audio-only live stream option is available only for iOS users.
  6. When you are all set, tap the Go LIVE button.
  7. To end the stream, simply swipe down and tap the Stop Broadcast button.

Periscope Live and GoPro

You can easily stream with Periscope while using your GoPro camera. GoPro cameras open new possibilities and allow for even more mobility and video quality. This option is natively integrated into the app, so the steps you need to follow are incredibly simple.

  1. First things first, turn on your GoPro camera, set the video mode, and enable Wi-Fi.
  2. The next step is to connect your phone to the camera through its Wi-Fi network and then launch Periscope.
  3. Open the broadcast preview by tapping the broadcast icon (for iOS users) or the camera icon (for Android users).
  4. Tap the GoPro icon to use your GoPro camera as a video source.
  5. Enter your stream’s title and set the privacy settings.
  6. Tap the Go LIVE button when you are ready to start your live stream.
  7. To end the stream, simply swipe down and tap the Stop Broadcast button.
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How to tweet about live streams and share location

Now that you know how to go live from your mobile device, you may be wondering how to tweet about your live stream. It’s actually incredibly simple. If you want to tweet about your broadcast, just click the Twitter button in your Periscope app before going live. The URL of your stream will be tweeted, and people will be redirected to your broadcast after clicking on it. Also, keep in mind that the title is bound by Twitter’s character count, so keep it short and neat.

If you want to share the location of your live stream, you need to give permission to the Periscope app to access your phone’s location. Just go to your broadcast preview and tap the Compass icon. This will make your streams discoverable on the global map for any Periscope user.

How to make your Twitter streams look amazing

Like any other popular streaming platform, Twitter has great competition, which requires you to continuously improve the quality of your live streams to gain more audiences. In other words, grow to stay on top! We’ve got some of the most effective tips to help you achieve new heights on Twitter Live.

🤳 Get yourself a tripod or selfie stick

One of the most annoying problems for viewers is a shaky video. Therefore, the most obvious solution is to stabilize your live videos with the help of a tripod or selfie stick. Remember, viewers are really intolerant of poor-quality live streams.

🕺 Stay in the center of the frame

Now, this one might be obvious to some. However, we can’t just skip it, as this tip is incredibly important. Try to keep your face just above the center of the screen so the comments on the bottom do not cover it. Also, work on your angles — nobody wants to see your nostrils.

🤗 Be interactive with your audience

Live streaming allows you to communicate with your audience in real time. Use it to your advantage as much as possible. Keep talking to your audience, answer their questions, react to their hearts, etc. In other words, be interactive and keep the flow going.

👁 Pay attention to live comments

Generally speaking, comments from your viewers are rarely super useful, especially considering a great number of trolls lurking on Periscope. These nasty human beings have just one thing on their minds, which is to make you feel bad. However, you may find quite helpful information in the comment section: from positive feedback to constructive criticism of your content.

🤘 Use Restream Studio

Restream Studio is a streaming service that allows you to broadcast your content on multiple platforms. Let’s say you want to stream to Twitter and Facebook. You can use Restream Studio to quickly go live on both these platforms. As a matter of fact, you can add as many platforms as you want!

Restream Studio also has many built-in features to improve your live streams and multiply your viewers in no time! You can share your screen or local video files with the audience, invite guests directly to your stream, and host professional podcasts or interviews, as well as have some quick Q&A or AMA sessions with your viewers.

Run professional live streams from your browser.

Create your streaming schedule

Although Periscope is a perfect place for spontaneous live events, making a schedule can actually be a good idea. A stable schedule can help you grow your audience and attract new loyal viewers. This is especially true if you want to stream on multiple platforms at the same time.

How to promote and monetize a Periscope live stream

Now let’s talk about the promoting and monetizing tools for your Periscope live streams. The platform has a wide range of promoting options. And despite the absence of internal monetization tools, there are certain ways to make money from Periscope streams. Check out our pro tips!

Periscope Twitter Integration

1. Share your broadcast on Twitter

Periscope Account

Since we are talking about one of the most inhabited social platforms, the very first (and probably quite obvious) piece of advice is to tweet about your live stream. It is a good idea to promote your broadcast on other major platforms, especially if you multistream with Restream! And if you are not concerned about safety and privacy, share the location of your broadcasts so people can find them more easily.

2. Hashtags are still relevant

At this point, the words “Twitter” and “hashtags” are practically synonymous. Make use of the fact that millions of people search via hashtags. Come up with some trendy #hashtags that describe your stream, and let people from all over the world find it!

3. Reuse your Periscope videos

After the stream has ended, you have the option to download it and reuse it later on. This opens hundreds of amazing opportunities. You could repurpose your videos and create absolutely new content: stream highlights for YouTube, postcards for Facebook, gifs, memes for Twitter, etc.

4. Multistream with Restream

What is the fastest way to increase your stream audience? With Restream you can broadcast your live content to as many platforms as you want and maximize your audience reach. Simply start your live stream with Restream, and we will send it to all your selected platforms. YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and many more — we’ve got them all! Take your audience reach truly global by multistreaming with Restream.

5. Affiliate marketing

Periscope allows you to have one clickable link in your profile, which is better than nothing. You can use this link to get some money from affiliate marketing. When promoting any product, make sure you direct your viewers to this link. Of course, you need to establish a decent audience beforehand to attract companies and make affiliate deals.

6. Super Broadcaster Program

Your viewers can pay money to send you Super Hearts during your live streams. However, you need to apply for Periscope’s Super Broadcaster Program. It is only when you are accepted that you can exchange your virtual balance for real money. You need to have at least 185,000 stars to be eligible. You get stars on your balance when you receive Super Hearts from your viewers.

Final thoughts

Live On Periscope Now

Periscope, as an app and streaming platform in general, has some exciting pros and frustrating downsides. On one hand, the mobile nature of this service allows you to start streaming at any time and place in just a matter of a few taps on your phone screen. However, on the other hand, streamers often encounter some privacy and technical difficulties — not to mention the overall poor quality of live streams.

Periscope Twitter Acquisition

Live streaming on Periscope can be great if you have a lot of followers on Twitter. In this case you can notify your followers of your live stream with a simple tweet. However, it can be challenging for a beginner to pursue their streaming career on this platform. And the Super Broadcast Program doesn’t make it easier either.

Periscope Twitter App

In general, a good idea is to live stream on Twitter in addition to other top platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitch, etc. With you can do exactly that and more! Restream offers a variety of great tools that can help you improve your streams: from insightful Analytics to a professional Studio. This will allow you to maximize your audience reach in no time, attract more viewers, and grow your channel.